Free > Barista Coffee Recipes > Salted Caramel Macchiato Recipe
Free Caffe Latte Recipe. The best Barista Caffe Latte Italian style.

How to Make Leonidas Salted Caramel Latte Macchiato by Malaysia Barista

Pictures Of Caffe Latte
Coffee Recipes > Slicing Leonidas Salted Caramel Chocolate for Latte Macchiato
Slicing Chocolate
Coffee Recipes > Espresso into Salted Caramel Latte Macchiato
Pour Espresso
Coffee Recipes > Latte Macchiato
Latte Macchiato
Coffee Recipes > Latte Macchiato with Marshmallow
Macchiato with Marshmallow


Leonidas Salted Caramel Latte Macchiato Recipe

You need
- Espresso Machine with Frother
(or StoveTop Mokapot and StoveTop Frother)
- 8 Oz Glass or Cup

- 2x 50 ML Leonidas Salted Caramel Chocolate , cut into thin fine slices, put into Shot-Glass
- 2x 50 ML Marshmallows, put into Shot-Glass
- 30 ML Espresso in Shot-Glass
- 125 ML milk into pitcher
- Froth the milk
- Pour Froth milk into Glass Cup
- Pour Espresso into center of Glass Cup

Optional: You can add whipped cream
- Pour Marshmallows on to Glass Cup
- Pour Sliced Chocolate on to Glass Cup

Caffe Latte Macchiato Description

Latte macchiato is a coffee beverage; the name means stained or marked milk. Marked as in an espresso stain on the milk used. It is a play on `Espresso macchiato` which is an espresso with a drop or two of milk or cream.

Latte macchiato differs significantly from caffe latte in several ways. First, in a latte macchiato, espresso is added to milk, rather than milk to espresso as in a caffe latte. Second, a latte macchiato features more foam, rather than simply hot milk. Finally, a latte macchiato is often a layered drink, rather than being mixed as in a caffe latte.

Simply, in a caffe latte, the emphasis is on the coffee, while in a latte macchiato, the emphasis is on the milk.

The macchia is the little spot of crema left on top of the milk to clearly distinguish that the beverage is a latte macchiato and not a caffe latte, where the espresso traditionally has been added before the milk, hence having no mark. Conversely, caffe macchiato, another similarly named beverage, is actually espresso "stained" with a small amount of milk.
Ref Wikipedia

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